
Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love, to work, to play, and too look up at the stars

Henry van dyke

I’m member of #angkatan40 and #ors

Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

Perubahan zodiak ??

yak post kali ini tentang zodiak.
perubahan zodiak baru denger gua
taunya pun dengan tidak disengaja
kakak gua noh yang kuliah ngeklik klik
dan ini beritanya

Profesor Parke Kunkle yang ahli di bidang astronomi meluncurkan konstelasi zodiak yang dianggapnya sudah up to date. Astronom ini menambah Ophiuchus, yang membuat total zodiak berjumlah 13 bintang.

Apakah zodiak Anda berubah atau tidak? Silakan melihat perubahan zodiak yang baru di bawah ini seperti yang dikutip dari, Sabtu (15/1/2011).

Pembagian zodiak yang lama (versi Babylonia kuno):

-Aquarius  : 20 Januari-18 Februari

-Pisces    : 19 Februari-20 Maret

-Aries     : 21 Maret-19 April

-Taurus    : 20 April-20 Mei

-Gemini    : 21 Mei-20 Juni

-Cancer    : 21 Juni-22 Juli

-Leo       : 23 Juli-22 Agustus

-Virgo     : 23 Agustus-22 September

-Libra     : 23 September-22 Oktober

-Scorpio   : 23 Oktober-21 November

-Sagitarius: 22 November-21 Desember

-Capricorn : 22 Desember-19 Januari

Pembagian zodiak yang baru setelah sumbu bumi bergeser:

-Aquarius  : 17 Februari-11 Maret

-Pisces    : 12 Maret-18 April

-Aries     : 19 April-13 Mei

-Taurus    : 14 Mei-21 Juni

-Gemini    : 22 Juni-20 Juli

-Cancer    : 21 Juli-10 Agustus

-Leo       : 11 Agustus-16 September

-Virgo     : 17 September-30 Oktober

-Libra     : 31 Oktober-23 November

-Scorpio   : 24 November-29 November

-Ophiuchus : 30 November-17 Desember

-Sagitarius: 18 Desember-20 Januari

-Capricorn : 21 Januari-16 Februari

Jadi, apakah bintang Anda tetap atau berubah?

*dikutip dari

keep watching
keep blogging
keep watching my blog !

Jumat, 14 Januari 2011


well motor dari generasi ke generasi semakin berubah kan

well pertama2 motor ada di dunia motor itu kayak gini

habis itu motor jadi lebih bagus lagi jadi kayak gini
Nah semakin lama kan motor bagu tuh ya jadilah motor tahun segini 

yak begitulah perkembangan motor dari dulu sampe sekarang. dan kalian liat deh di foto yg ke 2
nah itu honda cb 100 !
itu adalah motor bokap gua pas dia masih sma huahahhaha
ga kebayang gua bokap naek gitu hahaha

nah honda cb 100
Engine and transmission
Displacement : 99.00 ccm (6.04 cubic inches)
Engine type : Single cylinder
Stroke : 4
Power : 11.50 HP (8.4 kW)) @ 10500 RPM
Compression : 9.5:1
Bore x stroke : 50.5 x 49.5 mm (2.0 x 1.9 inches)
Valves per cylinder : 2
Fuel control : OHC
Cooling system : Air
Gearbox : 5-speed
final drive : Chain

nah lumayan kan buat tahun 70-80an hahaha
oke ituajalah sekian !
keep watching
keep bloogging
keep watching my blog !

Rabu, 12 Januari 2011


finally gua ngepost tentang game !

tiba2 aja gua dapet ilham buat nyeritain game2 yg gua sukain !
ini game emang ga ada matinya !
Game strategi terseru menurut gua, memang sih buat orang orang yang awam *sori game ini sedikit aneh dan ga jelas ya memang karena game ini ditujukan buat orang yang cerdas dan pintar seperti gua hahahaha
gamenya ini mudah dimainkan jika kita mau serius maen game ini, cuma bikin tentara , kasih makan dan punya teman. well semua ini tergantung sama pemainnya. dia mau maen aman *amannya itu kita jadi pembantu sda nya orang2 yang udah jago maen travian !, maen aman ga aman *jadi kita pake aliansi. nah aliansinya ini yang susah dibikin. ga semua orang bisa bikin aliansi dan ngurus dengan asal2an. yang punya aliansi itu harus punya teman yang dipercaya. ga boleh asal2an ngerecruit orang loh. ini yg bahaya! kalo asal2an ngerecruit ntar aliansi kita bakal amburadul. hal seperti ini disebut penghancuran dari dalam yang disebabkan mata2 atau spy !
spy itu hukumannya berat bgt buat aliansi yang terakhir gua pimpin !
mau dikasih tau hukumannya apa di aliansi gua?
oke. desa nya yang bukan ibukota bakal kita *perserikatan2aliansigua hancurkan atau dijadikan desa kita.
desa ibukota well dihabisin ama kita. jadi ga bakal bisa bangkit tu desa.
well seram bukan?
makanya kalo maen travian jgn asal maen. punya temen dong di travian
oke balik lagi dan yang ketiga adalah. maen ga aman.
nah maen ga aman ini yang paling seru dan paling berbahaya.
yang maenin nih harus jarang tidur. banyak uang, banyak temen, dan orngnya ga males.
caranya adalah. bikin trop di hari pendaftaran ampe kapasitas gandum -1. !
abis itu serang desa desa laen pake minimal 4 tentara lah
kalo pake teuton 3 cukup galia 6 lah romawi 4 cukup.
teuton kuat di penyerangan lemah di perthanan dan murah dibuat
galian kuat di perthanan lemah di penyerangan dan ga mahal2 amat kok
nah romawi ini yg paling kuat. kuat di penyerangan dan kuat di perthanan tp biayanya ! mahal amat !!!
jadi terserah kalian lah mau bikin pake suku apa.
oke lanjut. abis itu serang terus bikin tentara dan so on. cari temen kalian yg dipercaya
jadiin duel / 2 org 1 acc. kayak gua dulu. dan hasilnya apa. jago bgt !
kalo maen dual jamin dah jadi dewa gua. !
oke thats all for today guys !
keep watching !
keep blogigng !
 ! soo keep watching my blog ! see ya !


oh well blog.

Singkat bgt blog itu gua kira gampang.

well awal2 memang keliatan gampang banget

tapi kalo kita ga beruntung *contohnya gua.

ga bisa ngeganti background lah, template lah

nasib nasib kayaknya gua ga ditakdirkan untuk membuat blog deh.

tapi ini takdir. *berarti gua ditakdirkan buat ngeblog ya._.

well sebenernya gua juga punya blog satu lagi. tapi sayangnya gua lupa passwordnya.

hahahah akhirnya pas gua mau bikin, pak yamin bikin tugas blog

yowes lah gua akhirnya bikin blog.

dann voila !

jadilah blog yg aneh, ga jelas dan ga penting ini hahahaha

gua  harap aja blog gua bisa terkenal kayak raditya dika hahahha

well that's all for today guys ! see you next post !

Minggu, 09 Januari 2011


Its not a weekend its a hellend !

Minggu itu buat nyantai . tapi faktanya . minggu adalah hari yang paling berat. 

Bukti gua harus nyelesain report. yang susahnya bener2

dan alhamdulillah gua selesai.thanks buat @firasakbar, @luthfiAF dan !

ada copasnya ! hahahaha

tapi alhamdulillah ! report selesai  ! semoga ga ada yg salah di report ini !


Report !

Simple biopori that can prevent flood

Onang Karim Amrullah
          Raya Bogor Km. 24 Street Cijantung Pasar Rebo 


A report titled Danger Of Plastic Waste was examinated at at examination session of Foreign Language Class PB, Soedirman international Islamic Junior High School Jakarta In January,9 2011

                                                                             Jakarta,January 9 2011

Examination Committee

Simple biopori that can prevent flood

Presented to PB. SOEDIRMAN INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL in partial fulfillment of requirements for
Foreign Language Class

Onang karim amrullah

Approved By :


Assalammuallaikum Wr. Wb
Praise Gratitude for God's presence thanks to his mercy I can complete the scientific work entitled Biopori-based solutions to prevent flooding on Biotechnology and the Environment.

This paper is structured as scientific papers in the task given to complete the program language class.

To all those who have helped solving scientific writing this I say thank you.

To the readers are expected to input, criticism and constructive suggestions to improve the content of this scientific paper. Good scientific writing is beneficial to all parties in need, especially in supporting environmental conservation programs.

Jakarta 9 january 2011

Onang karim amrullah


Legalization Of Examination………………………………………                           Letter Of Introduction…………………………………………………………I Table Of Content……………………………………………………………..II
CHAPTER 1       : Introduction
A.  Background Of problem
B.  Identification Of problem
C.  Purpose of problem
D.  Benefits Of This Research
CHAPTER 2       : Readers Review
A.  Biopori
B.  Flood
C.  The relevance of biopori and flood
CHAPTER 3       : Research Methodology
A.  Methodology
B.  Population and sample
C.  Collecting data
D.  Analysis
E.  Place and time


A.      Background of study
Pasir Mukti, a place where you can know about animals, plants, and the place where we can know about programs that prevent disasters and programs that benefit humans who live in this world.
Let's take the example, suppose a program called "one-man one-tree" program aimed to make our environment free from floods, make the environment cooler. And if there are no trees or leach fields in Jakarta, then certainly every year the floods.
And as the occurrence of flooding to an industry that makes its way out or a way to reduce the impact of flooding and to eliminate flooding in Jakarta. One was by Dr. Ir R kamir Subrata. He put forward a method to reduce the impact of floods in Jakarta. The method which he reveals is biopori
This method is quite efficient and easy to do because it does not require expensive and the place is not hard to come by. It costs just to buy a hoe while the place was a land of your home
Identification of the problem
Based on the identification of the problem, I see many problems about “Simple biopori that can prevent flood”
The problems are
a.      What is Biopori ?
b.      Why biopori is need by us
c.       How does biopori works?
d.      What is the purpose of Biopori?
e.      What is the benefit of Biopori?
f.        How to make a simple biopori?
g.      Where we can make it?
h.      Who does tell this method ?

B.      Limitation of the problem

Because there are many problems and to shorten the time. I decide to limit the problems into one. The problem is “Simple biopori  that can prevent floods”
All of them will be discussed in the following text

C.      The objective of the study
General Objective
-          To fulfill the task as a Foreign language Class student

Specific Objectives
-          Gain knowledge about biopori
-          Completing the Foreign language class program
D.  The benefits of the study
The benefits of the study are
-          Knowing how to make a simple biopori
-          Understand what is biopori

A. Theoretical
a. Biopori
The words of biopori are from Indonesian words. Bio mean life, pori mean hole. Ir Kamir R brata from institute  of bogor make theory about biopori. He told us this theory from 2007.  Biopori is so simple. We don’t have to pay big cost. We just need Digger, Organic stuff like trash and the place to make the biopori.
Biopori is multi functional thing. First it can prevents flood, second it can make compos, third it can disappear the flooded are. This new method is so easy and it doesn’t cost too much. If we make a big biopori then we put in the organic stuff in there within a long time it will be an oil earth.

b. Flood
Flood is in a state where a region inundated by water in amounts so large. While the flood is the flood that suddenly caused by the blockage of rivers and forests along the river because pengundulan destroying people's homes and lives.

Floods almost every rainy season hit Indonesia. Based on the value of damages and frequency of flood events seen a significant increase. Flood disasters are largely influenced by natural factors such above-normal rainfall and the rising tide of sea water. Besides man-made factors also play a role such as inappropriate land use (settlements in the area of flood plains, in the catchment areas, deforestation, etc.), disposal of garbage into the river, residential development in flood plain areas and so forth.
c. The relevance biopori and floods
The relevance between biopori and floods are more and more biopori the greater absorption occurring. And the more absorption occurring the greater the possibility for smaller floods.

From here I take the hypothesis that the more biopori the less chance of flooding

Methodology of research
Theoretical Description of Each Variable
a.) methodology of research
The method that’s  used here is a descriptive method, in purpose to explain the Simple biopori hole that can prevent flood.
b.) Population dan sample
The population of this research is : all biopori in this world
The sample of this research is : biopori in jakarta
c.) Collecting data
the collecting data was using observation and interview method
-          Observation
The observation was used to gain the knowledge about the simple biopori that can prevent flood. Especially in the way to prevent the flood. Observation is one technique of collecting data / facts
effective enough to learn a system. Observations are observations
immediately following the decision makers
physical environment and / or direct observation of ongoing activities
-          Interview
The interview was used to gain the other data , such as the biopori hole, how to make it, and the orher data with interviewing the sources.
-          d.) Analysis data
Data analysis is done by using qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis and quantitative
-          Qualitative Analysis
This analysis included the things about public view about the simple biopori that can prevent flood and the other variables that are not explained in numbers
-          Quantitative Analysis
This analysis is used for the sector that have much more point than the numbers, like how deep is biopori , and etc

                                                                 e.)Place and time
Pasir mukti, sukabumi, jawa barat

a. About biopori
Biopori is a method of water absorption which is intended to address flooding by increasing the power of absorbing water in the soil. This method was pioneered by Dr. R Kamir Brata, one of the researchers from the Institut Pertanian Bogor. The increase in soil water absorbing power is done by making a hole in the ground and pile with organic waste to produce compost. Ditimbunkan organic waste on this hole can then feed the soil fauna, which is so capable of creating pores in the soil. This simple technology was later called by the name biopori.

Naturally, biopori are small holes in the ground formed by the activity of soil organisms like worms or roots movement in the soil. The hole will be filled with air and into the path of water flow. So do not rain water directly into the sewers, but seep into the ground through the hole.

However, in urban areas, the presence of trees increasingly displaced by the buildings so that the hole biopori become increasingly scarce. Besides, many trees do not always mean there will be plenty of water absorbed, because the moss-covered ground surface makes the water can not seep into the ground.

Objectives / Functions / Benefits / Role Hole Resapan Biopori / LRB:

   1. Maximizing water that seeped into the soil thereby increasing soil water.
   2. Natural composting of organic waste rather than burned.
   3. Reduce standing water that cause disease.
   4. Reduce rainwater that gratuitous thrown into the sea.
5. Reducing the risk of flooding in the rainy season.
   6. Maximizing the role and activity of soil flora and fauna.
   7. Preventing soil erosion and landslide disasters.

Places that can be created / installed Hole Resapan Biopori:

   1. On the pedestal channels rainwater around the home, office, school, etc..
   2. Around the tree.
   3. On vacant land between crops / plant boundary.

The tools used to make holes Resapan Biopori:

Ground drill (Drill Biopori) or another tool that can make a vertical hole, such as crowbars and equipment to remove soil from the drill bit.

The materials can be inserted into the hole Resapan Biopori:

Are materials that easily decomposed by soil fauna, such as leaves, grass and food scraps or commonly known as organic waste. But do not include inorganic waste yes, like plastic, tin, mica / fiber because it is not biodegradable.

Hole Making way Resapan Biopori:

   1. Creating a cylindrical hole in the ground with a diameter of 10-30 cm and a depth of 30-100 cm and 50-100 cm distance between holes.
2. Land to be doused with water so that hole is easy for punched.
   3. The mouth of the hole can be reinforced with cement thickness of 2 cm and 2-3 cm wide, and provided there is no safety for small children or people who fall.
4. The hole is filled with organic waste such as leaves, kitchen waste, tree limbs, junk food kitchen non-chemical, etc.. Trash in the hole will shrink so that needs to be filled again and at the end of the dry season can be drained as a natural compost.
   5. Number of holes biopori existing large and small should be calculated based on rainfall, water infiltration rate and water areas that are not absorbed by the formula = intensity of rainfall (mm / h) x broad field of water-resistant (square meter) / perlubang water infiltration rate (liters / hour) .

To avoid the danger of avalanches fall and land on the hole biopori infiltration, can be done by:

   1. Give paralon (pvc pipe) size of the hole with a length of 10-15 cm
   2. If necessary, add the cementing (cement and sand mixture) around the mouth hole
3. If the area lubangsering traveled, cover the hole with wire or netting


Ministry of Environment
b. About flood
flood is an overflow of an expanse of water that submerges land.[1] The EU Floods directive defines a flood as a temporary covering by water of land not normally covered by water.[2] In the sense of "flowing water", the word may also be applied to the inflow of the tide. Flooding may result from the volume of water within a body of water, such as a river or lake, which overflows or breaks levees, with the result that some of the water escapes its usual boundaries.[3]
While the size of a lake or other body of water will vary with seasonal changes in precipitation and snow melt, it is not a significant flood unless such escapes of water endanger land areas used by man like a village, city or other inhabited area.
Floods can also occur in rivers, when flow exceeds the capacity of the river channel, particularly at bends or meanders. Floods often cause damage to homes and businesses if they are placed in natural flood plains of rivers. While flood damage can be virtually eliminated by moving away from rivers and other bodies of water, since time out of mind, people have lived and worked by the water to seek sustenance and capitalize on the gains of cheap and easy travel and commerce by being near water. That humans continue to inhabit areas threatened by flood damage is evidence that the perceived value of living near the water exceeds the cost of repeated periodic flooding.
The word "flood" comes from the Old English flod, a word common to Germanic languages (compare German Flut, Dutch vloed from the same root as is seen in flow, float; also compare with Latin fluctus, flumen). Deluge myths are mythical stories of a great flood sent by a deity or deities to destroy civilization as an act of divine retribution, and are featured in the mythology of many cultures.
C. Hypothesis thesis
Hole absorption biopori is one method of water absorption which is intended to overcome the floods by increasing the power of absorbing water in the soil. Raised by Dr. R Kamir Brata, one of the researchers from the Institut Pertanian Bogor. Dr. R Kamir Brata states biopori leach hole that will enhance the absorption of rainwater by using soil fauna activity and plant roots.
D. Advantages and Benefits.
Hole absorption biopori is appropriate technology and environmentally friendly way to overcome the flood (1) improve water absorption, (2) convert organic waste into compost and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases (CO2 and methane), and (3) utilize the role of activity soil fauna and plant roots, and overcome the problems caused by stagnant water such as dengue fever and malaria.
(Figure 1)
4.2 Improving Water penetrating power.

The presence of holes directly biopori infiltration will increase water catchment areas, at least for large column / wall hole .. For example, if a hole is made with a diameter of 10 cm and 100 cm in the vast catchment area will increase as much as 3140 cm 2 or about 1 / 3 m 2. In other words a circular surface with a diameter of 10 cm, which was originally to have catchment areas of 78.5 cm 2 after made a hole with the depth of infiltration biopori 100 cm, wide field of resapannya be 3218 cm 2.

4.3 Changing Being Organic Waste Compost
Hole absorption biopori "activated" by providing organic waste into it. This garbage will be used as an energy source for soil organisms to perform its activities through a process of decomposition. Rubbish which has didekompoisi is known as compost .. With through a process like that then leach biopori hole in addition to functioning as a field of water impregnation also at the same function as "factories" compost makers. Compost can be harvested at any particular period and may be used as organic fertilizer in various plant species, such as ornamental plants, vegetables and other crops. For those who are happy with the cultivation of crops / organic vegetables, the compost from the LRB is an alternative that can be used as fertilizer vegetables.
Some Images after Biopori practiced in the home page
1. Organic Waste (Vegetable Rot / Trash)
2. Biopori
3. ± 2 Weeks After Being Compost.
4. Compost Used In Ornamental Plants.

As mentioned above. Absorption hole Biopori mean by soil organisms, especially soil fauna and plant roots. They were the next activity will create the cavities or holes in the ground which will become a "channel" the water to soak into the soil body. By leveraging their activities then the cavities or holes will be constantly maintained and preserved its existence so that the ability absorption  will remain intact without the direct intervention of humans for their maintenance. This will save significant energy and cost. Liabilities of human factors in this case is to give food to them in the form of organic waste at a certain period. Organic waste that is inserted into the hole and the body will become humus in the soil biota, not fast emitted into the atmosphere as greenhouse gases; means to reduce global warming and preserve biodiversity in the soil.
With the presence of holes can be prevented biopori absorption of water, so that the resultant problems such as outbreaks of malaria, dengue fever and elephantiasis (filariasis) will be avoided.


A. Conclusion

LRB or Absorption Biopori hole are holes in the ground formed by various activity organisms in it, such as worms, plant roots, soil fauna and termites. The holes are formed will be filled with air, and will be a place of passage of water in the soil.
How Biopori making by: 1. Determining Position, 2. Set the distance between the LRB, 3. And drill.
How to use it are: 1. LRB, 2. disposing of organic waste, 3. Taking the compost to decompose waste, 4. Using Compost.
Advantages Biopori As Below:
1. Improving Water penetrating power.
2 Changing Being Organic Waste Compost
3 Utilizing Fauna or Soil and Plant Roots
B. Implication
From the above conclusion we can know what impact the biopori. Impact biopori for science is that we can know how to prevent flooding by the method easy to perform, and cost effective. Impact biopori to society is to know what to biopori and how to make it.
C. Suggestion
This scientific work is very innovative, but not original because the results display the actual re served and worked properly
Hopefully this is very useful for households, hospitals, schools, offices and so forth.
In making Absorption hole is suggested that the mouth of the cement so as not covered,
We recommend that prior to the organic waste before it entered into the LRB in the chopped or shredded into powder to be easily decomposed,
for get the maximum results provide compost earthworms in the LRB and save in the long term.